IAR Guarantee

A Simple Promise to our Advisors

We guarantee that our IARs will experience an increase in enterprise value* within the first three years of joining Atlantis, or they stop paying overrides until they do.

In order for an IAR to qualify the following conditions must be met:

A baseline valuation must be established prior to the IAR transitioning to Atlantis.

A baseline valuation must be established prior to the IAR transitioning to Atlantis.

The IAR must participate in an annual valuation process (paid for by Atlantis).

The IAR must participate in an annual valuation process (paid for by Atlantis).

IAR must successfully transition at least 85% of client assets (AUM) identified in the pre-transition valuation.

IAR must successfully transition at least 85% of client assets (AUM) identified in the pre-transition valuation.


*An increase in Enterprise Value is achieved through an increase in multiple of any of the following valuation methodologies: EBOC (Earnings Before Owner Compensation), discounted cash flow, EBITDA, revenue.

Take advantage of our guarantee today.